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CTEPTM Curriculum

The curriculum for the Chartered Trust and Estate Planner encompasses trust and estate planning concerns of resident and non-resident clients and families. This core group of topics focuses on the major functional issues of high net-worth consulting, ranging from tax, finance to law. A critical aspect of this course is addressing the interpersonal skills crucial to of advising the wealthy individual or family. The course will cover such planning obstacles as Common Law vs. Civil Law jurisdictions, non-resident alien spouse, and tangible and non-tangible assets in multiple jurisdictions. Use of trust as wealth planning and tax planning tools.

Module 1 - Introduction to Estate Planning

This course introduces the estate planning process beginning with the initial client interview and concluding with the drafting of basic estate documents. Topics to be discussed include handling the initial interview, gathering client information, framing the scope of engagement and drafting the engagement letter, ethical issues during representation and the probate process. The focus then will shift to drafting documents commonly used in estate plans, such as advance directives, simple wills, "pour-over" wills, and trusts.

Unit Includes:

  1. Concept of Estate Planning
  2. Estate Planning Process:
  3. Steps in Estate Planning
  4. Tools of Estate Planning
  5. Business Succession Planning
  6. Life Objectives Goal Setting
  7. Philanthropy and Charitable Planning
Module 2 - Legalities of Succession Planning

Estate Planning and Succession Planning are closely governed by the legal structure of a country. In depth knowledge of legal structures, transfer of property acts, personal laws, inheritance law, marriage and divorce laws are essential for any Estate Planner.

Unit Includes:

  1. Introduction to Law
  2. Meaning and Essentials of a Contract
  3. Law of Agency
  4. Formation of Companies
  5. Anti-Money Laundering
  6. Islamic Sharia Banking
  7. Hindu Personal Law
  8. Muslim Personal Law
  9. Hindu and Muslim inheritance acts
Module 3 - Indian Tax Laws

This unit reviews the Indian Tax Laws. The unit begins with a review of the role these taxes play in the current tax regime along with a detailed discussion of how the taxes are calculated. The gift tax asset transfer issues then will be analyzed in depth with specific attention to what constitutes a taxable transfer, role gift-giving plays in an overall estate plan. The remainder of the course will analyze the capital gains tax and tax planning techniques. Specific attention will also be given to available tax deductions and credits.

Module 4 - Trust Planning in India

Trusts constitute a very important tool in succession planning and thus are an inevitable part of any estate planning solution. This unit would cover in detail the process, types, benefits and uses of trust. The use of trust in tax planning and philanthropic planning is also covered in detail.

Unit Includes:

  1. Trust
  2. Trust for Un-Born Person
  3. Trust for Wife, Children and Other Relatives
  4. Oral Trust
  5. Private Religious Trust
  6. Discretionary Trust
  7. Living Trust
  8. Religious and Charitable Trusts
  9. 100 per cent Specific Beneficiary Trust
  10. Private Business Trust
  11. Society as a form of charitable Organization
Module 5 - Advanced Estate and Succession Planning

The course explains how to make your client the entire family (as opposed to just the patriarch and matriarch). It distinguishes between wealth creation and preservation, and wealth transfer and how to best address the challenges of planning and counseling the entire family. Additional matters that will be addressed include estate liquidity issues, using life insurance to meet estate needs, and the use of inter vivo gifts as part of the planning process. How to integrate all of the client’s assets into a cohesive estate plan will be reviewed in detail.

Unit Includes:

  1. Wills and Succession Planning
  2. Interstate Succession
  3. Transfer of Property
  4. HUF as Estate Planning tool
  5. Business Succession Planning
  6. Creating Estate Plan Solutions
Module 6 -International Trust and Estate Planning:

International Trust and Estate Planning issues are becoming very important for estate planners as wealth is becoming globalized and family member have residencies in multiple countries. Issues such as estate planning of non-resident spouse or a family member, management of offshore trusts etc are dealt with. The unit covers estate planning laws and taxation of intergenerational wealth transfer in USA, Singapore and United Kingdom are covered in detail.

Unit Includes:

  1. Trust and Estate Planning in USA, UK and Singapore
  2. Trust and Estate Planning tools and processes globally
  3. Inheritance Tax concerns Internationally
  4. Tools of Succession Planning, Trust Planning and Estate Planning

Exam pattern :

  1. Only one Exam
  2. No Negative Marking
  3. Flexible Examination Pattern
  4. 2 Hours Examination
  5. Round the Year Examination
  6. Maximum of 150 Marks
  7. 4500+ Test Centers
  8. 50% Passing Marks
  9. MCQ based (Objective Type)

Examination Fee:
The Examinations Fee is Rs. 2000+12.36% Service Tax.
Revaluation Fees: Rs 1,000/-
Re-examination / Re-appearing Fees is Rs 2,000 +12.36% Service Tax.

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